The traveler who will not return

The traveler who will not return

While you are reading this, a hardy traveler has already crossed the kingdom of our sun. This traveler left our blue land forty-two years ago. And the purpose of this exploration journey was to uncover many of nature's best secrets. This traveler has gone ahead of all the planets and asteroids that revolve around the sun by flying at a speed of 60,000 kilometers per hour. I am going to tell you the story of this tired traveler.

Beyond the Moon, this is the beginning of the nineteen sixties. It was a period when only fifteen years had passed since the beginning of space research in the world of science. Man was once desperate to set foot on the moon.

The traveler who will not return

Guinea-Bissau space research laboratories around the world were planning day and night to launch missions that would somehow reach the moon before others or develop a machine that would go to the moon and bridge the bridge. News can be sent to this laboratory of the planet. Who would have thought that two brilliant mathematicians were thinking of building a machine that would go beyond space, beyond the moon, beyond the golden disk of the sun.

Crazy people thought and did Michael Manovich and Gary Philandro, two American mathematicians who were serving in the most prestigious American space research agency, NASA. Any space machine needs a lot of fuel (petrol, gas, etc.) to send it into space. Due to which the weight and volume of this machine increases a lot. The cost also rises a lot.

That is why these two scientists were making frantic efforts to prepare a machine that can be delivered to space with minimum fuel so that the cost is also reduced and the size of the machine is not too large. Gary Philandro made one of the greatest discoveries in space exploration during this time.

And that if the gravity of the planets is used, we can take the space vehicles from Earth orbit to infinite distances without any fuel. In such a case, it was also discovered that if a space vehicle is allowed to fly in a certain direction in space after a decade, that is, between nineteen seventy-six and nineteen ninety-nine, it will reach Mars, Jupiter, Saturn without any terrestrial fuel. , can easily probe Neptune and Pluto.

This means that by passing close to all planets, images and other signals can be beamed back to the NASA laboratory. It was an extraordinary discovery. But there was a complication. That this could be done only during these three years.

That is, between nineteen seventy-six and nineteen ninety-nine. Because in those three years, the major planets of the solar system could be found in such an arrangement that a space vehicle could use this arrangement as a ladder to move around all the planets.

If this time was wasted, such an opportunity would be found again in the universe after one hundred and seventy-six years. So the work began as a plan was made to send not one but four research space missions in this specific and limited time. Which will go around all the planets and send complete information to earth. But the US Congress refused to give the amount of money required for this mission.

Because America needed many war weapons to compete with Russia and its budget did not have much money for space research. But after all this hard work, NASA got Congress to approve the budget to send two space missions instead of four.

These projects were named Voyager One and Voyager Two. Voyager 1 was designed specifically to explore Jupiter and Saturn. And he had to spend most of his time traveling around these planets while traveling in space. But when the routes and time to reach these planets were determined, it was found that it could be sent by ten thousand different routes and different directions.

Therefore, preparations for Voyager 2 soon began, which, instead of doing more research on Jupiter and Saturn, would fly past them all and send information about everything in its path back to NASA headquarters on Earth. Much of what we know today about all the planets and countless moons in the solar system is due to these two voyagers (Voyager One and Two).

Is there anyone in the universe like us? Maybe we are not alone in the universe. There may be intelligent beings like us in the universe. Thanks to this idea, these travelers have been provided with such equipment that if they come across a place on their way inhabited by beings like us or more intelligent than us, they can establish contact with us.

The traveler who will not return

Voyager 2 is passing close to Neptune

Both Voyager One and Two carried a gold plate for the same purpose, on which important information about our blue earth 'world' is recorded in symbols. It is a round gold plate with some markings on the cover and a round disc inside the cover.

On which a lot has been saved in the form of audio and video. A two-line message is inscribed on the outer layer of the gold plate in addition to the symbols. So that if these travelers ever reach an intelligent space creature or they can capture it and read it, read it. It is written on it.

"It is a gift from a small world that lives far away. It is a reference to our music, our feelings, our science, our lives and our voices. " We are living our part and want to live with you."

A long voice message is also stored in Voyager One and Two. which rings all the time. It is welcomed in fifty two languages of the world. And this message is constantly being broadcast in space. These fifty-two languages also include Urdu, Arabic and Punjabi. That is, you can proudly say that there is someone billions of miles away from Earth right now who is calling out.

"Peace be upon you, we greet you on behalf of those who live on earth." This is one hundred percent the same phrase that was recorded in the machine. I tried hard to find out whose voice it was but it was not possible.

Apart from this, ninety-nine minutes of music has been recorded and played in almost all the major languages of the world. In this music, the melody 'Jat khan ho' is also one in Bhairoon. The sound recordings also contain the sounds of animals found on land. One of them is the sound of a whale.

The traveler who will not return

Gold Plates Map at right, Audio records at left

The world left and the passengers left In August and September 1977, the two astronauts were bid farewell one by one from the US state of Florida. Because now they never had to return to earth. In three months, the two travelers left Mars behind.

Voyager 2's mission was to fly by the four post-Earth planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, and proceed to take general exploratory images of them. Voyager 1, on the other hand, was specifically intended to spend longer and probe around Jupiter and Saturn. But both had to pass by all the planets anyway. During which pictures had to be taken.

The discovery that the ice moon Voyager 1 took only two years to reach Jupiter was one orbit of Jupiter. In two years he reached the largest planet in the solar system. His first task was to study the moons of Jupiter, photograph them and detect the metals present there. And for all this he had only forty-eight hours. Jupiter has four large moons. Of which 'Luv' was the most famous and attracted attention.

In ancient times, when there was no thick layer of dust in the sky and artificial lights did not burn at night, almost every human used to observe it. One of the reasons was its brightness. Vigeron sent us the first information that there are sulfur volcanoes on Luo. Sulfur is a highly flammable and bright substance. which produces a blue flame when burnt. Which brings a lot of destruction. Because it is not possible to extinguish it by adding water.

Apart from this, sulfur is also widely used in medicine and scientific experiments. So Mr. Voyager One told us that there are sulfur volcanoes on 'Luv' that are constantly spewing sulfur. This was a great discovery because until now man thought that volcanic mountains were found only on Earth. But this discovery changed the mind. Apart from this, in the same year Vigeron made another very wonderful discovery. About which humanity was not even aware of before.

And this was the discovery of another very large moon of Jupiter, 'Europa'. We didn't know much about Europa because it was hidden behind the glow of the 'Luv' and astronomers from ancient to modern were unaware of its existence. But it was not only a surprise that there was another body as big as this near 'Luv', but there was another surprise that made the space explorers wonder.

And that this moon hidden behind the sulfur volcano is exactly like the North Pole. On its surface is a layer of ice miles thick. Under which there must surely be an ocean of water. If so, there must be some form of life in the water. If this assumption is also correct, believe us, we have come very close to life in some other place in the universe other than Earth. But how to look under this layer of ice that is miles thick.

Space research organizations around the world, including NASA, are considering many projects including nuclear explosions. But budget stands in the way as the biggest hurdle. Hopefully, the world will get a break from mutual hatred and weapons production, so they will save a large part of the budget for more important things like space exploration and food needs.

Voyager 2 falls ill In August 1981, Voyager 2 ran into trouble. Voyager 2 had a camera mounted on it that was controlled from Earth. And pictures were made by turning it in any direction. But due to heavy use, the cam gearbox ran out of oil.

This made it impossible to move the camera around easily. Now, if it wasn't fixed, the purpose of sending Voyager 2 into space would have died because one of its most important tasks was to send back to Earth images of the solar system's planets, moons, asteroids, and countless other space bodies. . So a team of scientists worked day and night to save the entire project. Eighty-five different methods were tried to fix the camera handle.

All failed. But if a person dares, nothing can happen. The eighty-sixth method worked and the handle was cured enough to be used at will. But by that time Voyager 2 had passed Saturn and approached Uranus and Neptune.

Ice Walls on the Moon After Voyager 2 recovered, it resumed operations and discovered the ten moons orbiting the planet Uranus. One of them was the moon 'Miranda' on which a twelve mile high wall of ice was discovered. When Voyager sent pictures of this wall to Earth in 1986, there was a frenzy in science circles.

But this fun could not last long. Because in those days humanity had to suffer a great shock. When a spaceship 'Challenger' going for space research had a terrible accident. Not only the plane was destroyed in the accident, but the seven astronauts on board were burnt to smoke. and dissolved into space. Two women were also included in these astronauts.

When Astro Voyager 2 sent images of Neptune, the last planet in our solar system, in 1999, everyone jumped at the first sight. Because according to the pictures, white clouds were floating on Neptune and the surface of the planet was turning blue with blue oceans. Many thought that another land had been discovered.

But when Vajerto sent many more images and reports from his scientific instruments to NASA headquarters, the secret was revealed. Actually, there are white clouds on Neptune, but they are not clouds like Earth. Rather, they are frozen clouds of methane gas that swirl around the planet. The blue color of the surface of the planet is due to blue oceans, but these are not oceans of water, but oceans of methane gas.

These images sent by our traveler were a kind of blessing to the solar system. That is because there was no planet waiting for him after that. It was no longer to send images of any planets, and no planets in our solar system were ever to cross its path. The traveler had to move towards an endless space.

where its companion Voyager 1 is already flying. what are we Just particles stuck in a wave of light! Voyager 1 sent back an image in 1990 that will forever remind us of our times. When this friend of ours was seven and a half billion miles from Earth, he once looked back at Earth and took a picture with his camera.

Because this traveler will never return to earth again. And further he could not even see the ground. When the image came back to Earth, it was called the most spectacular photo in human history. In the image, the Earth appears as a very faint bluish particle.

As if the sun is shining through a crack, many particles can be seen in it. But there was only one particle in this picture. A little blue, a little dull, a little dull. Carl Sagan, a great philosopher and scientific writer of that time, also wrote a wonderful book on this picture. One of which gives a complete picture of humanity. Edge of the Sun Empire Voyager One and Two are about to cross the Sun Empire. In particular, Voyager 1 has reached a point in the universe beyond which our solar system's magnetic field ends.

This map shows the location of Voyager and Toke as well as the other space missions where they are currently in the universe.

So he is facing dangerous radiation from space and other dangers. But our two passengers will still be sending us all the information they get from space via signals and images back to Earth. And will continue to make an insolent attempt to uncover the hidden secrets of the universe.

Voyager 1 is not so alone Voyager 1 will be the first mission to leave the confines of the Sun. There are four more missions that will follow. One of which is Voyager 2, some of which you may have read about. While Pioneer Ten and Eleven left the earth five years before both of them.

But they are behind due to slow speed. In 2006, a mission was launched specifically to investigate the last notable body in the solar system, Pluto, which was once considered a planet. This mission has been named 'New Horizon'. This mission will also follow Voyager 1 Orto out of the Sun's kingdom and into the confines of another star after completing its exploration of Pluto. And will introduce us to the new secrets of the universe.

The traveler who will not return

Our times in Milky Way!

Moons of Jupiter 

The Cone Nebula

Difference between star and planet!!

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