Be a Part of this Project to Find Aliens

Be a Part of this Project to Find Aliens

The search for extraterrestrial life has been a fascinating subject for scientists for decades. Finding aliens and making contact with them has been a dream of modern-day scientists who examine electromagnetic signals received on Earth to determine whether these signals may have been sent by beings billions of kilometers away. In this project, technosignature detection is done by analyzing radio frequency signals, and the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) has a SETI department that uses some of the largest radio telescopes in the world for this project.

Be a Part of this Project to Find Aliens

NASA is also a partner in this project. In this search spanning thousands of light-years across our galaxy, more than 60 million signals, known as Radio Frequency Interference (RFI), have been received from about 42,000 stars. If you want to join this project, you can visit the Zooniverse website and click on "Get Started". This website will give you a complete guide on how to analyze the given radio frequency signals.

The process consists of three steps. First, you have to mark the appearance of the signal whether it is vertical or horizontal. Then you have to select a pattern of radio signals from Regular, Irregular, or Unknown according to the option selected earlier in the next step. In the third and final step, there will be four options which are actually categories of the previously selected options. You have to match the given radio signal image with these classification options and choose the best option.

This 3-phase task will give you information and you will also contribute to a university project that will increase your knowledge and interest in astronomy as well as the what and how of the field in practice. The work being done will also be known. There are billions of stars in our galaxy and billions of planets around them on which it is possible for a creature to exist, but we or they are not yet able to establish contact. So, the remaining 10,000 or so RFI's are signals that could be hiding anything - a message from an extraterrestrial being that you're looking for.

Being a part of this project is exciting and interesting as you will have an opportunity to contribute to the scientific community in search of extraterrestrial life. Moreover, it will help you to understand the process of finding aliens and how techno signature detection is done by analyzing radio frequency signals. This project is not only informative but also engaging and will increase your curiosity in the field of astronomy. So, visit the Zoon verse website and join this project to be a part of this exciting journey.

Useful links:

Zooniverse website:

UCLA SETI department:


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