The coldest cold storage in the world

 The coldest cold storage in the world

    The name of this cold storage located about 100 kilometers (eight hundred miles) from North Pole is the Svalbard Global Seed Vault. All kinds of tree and plant seeds from all over the world are stored here. This cold storage is located in Norway. It was built almost two hundred years ago. Its construction cost was nine million and it still costs millions to operate it. It can also be preserved, it is located on the edge of the mountain, so even if all the ice in the world melts, it will still be above the sea level.

The coldest cold storage in the world

    Let's go inside it now. After the entrance door, there are five doors. After each door there is a tunnel that leads to the bottom where the seeds are kept. The frost on the upper level is less than the lower one. This cold house is located inside the mountain. There is always snow on the mountain and The temperature is always minus two or three degrees Celsius. The cold storage is divided into three parts and one of them is still in use where the seeds are kept. This part in use is one hundred and twenty meters from the entrance. is at a distance of . After the tunnel comes the doors of the three sections. Inside there are pipes and walls covered with ice on all sides. The temperature inside is minus eighteen degrees Celsius where the seeds are kept.

    This cold storage is a kind of bank locker. The seeds are kept very carefully and safely here. At the airport, the seed box is checked to ensure that there is no explosive material and then it is sealed. Once in the cold storage, no one can open the box until the seeds reach the place where they are meant to be stored.

    It is prohibited to keep seeds of any type of intoxicating plant in this cold room and at the same time seeds produced by genetic engineering are not kept here. In one room (one out of three) millions of seeds collected from all over the world are kept. The temperature of the room is minus eighteen degrees Celsius.

    Many countries keep their seeds there and can take them back when needed. The box of seeds from each country has a small flag and code of the country. The seeds of one country are kept together on shelves.

    When the third part is filled, there will be about three million seed stores of different species. There are about five hundred seeds of each species. There will come a time when there will be trillions of seeds and it will be the largest seed store for agriculture. There will be a collection.

    There is not only one cold storage for saving the seeds, but there are about seventeen hundred cold storages in the whole world which save the seeds. They are run by different governments and organizations.

Is there any benefit to this seed wallet or is it just a waste of money?

    The people of Syria can answer this question better. The working vault in Syria was blown up in a bomb blast last year they received seeds from Svalbard Global Seed Vault for cultivation. Also, Lebanon also received seeds from here for cultivation.

    Here, even if the power supply is interrupted, the temperature will always remain minus 2 to 3 degrees Celsius and the seeds will always remain safe.

    We don't know how the conditions of the world will be in the future.....maybe a war will start and all the trees will be destroyed. No matter who we are, whether we live or not, the seeds of almost all types of plants found in the world will always be preserved. Thanks Svalbard global seed vault.

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